Pajenicko Picopad
by Pajenicko s.r.o.

Picopad is an open-source DIY gaming console kit for young tech enthusiasts. It utilizes a Raspberry Pi Pico module and features a 2” 240x320 IPS display, speaker, LED, buttons, and a microSD slot. Picopad supports programming in C, MicroPython and CircuitPython, enabling users to learn coding skills. The kit contains all necessary components to assemble the console. Picopad promotes STEM education through electronics and programming. It has an external connector for expansions. The Picopad Wifi variant adds wireless connectivity with Wifi 802.11n 2.4GHz (WPA3 security) and Bluetooth 5.2. Games and software are open source to enable customization. Picopad enables hands-on learning of electronics and programming in an engaging gaming platform. There are 16 classic games including Pacman, Tetris, Snake, and more available in the Picopad GitHub repository that are programmed using the Picopad C SDK and their source codes are included.
How to upload CircuitPython:
- Download UF2 file for Picopad
- Press and hold BOOTSEL button (bottom) while connecting USB cable to power on Picopad
- Picopad enters bootloader mode, release BOOTSEL button
- Copy UF2 file to RPI-RP2 drive
- Picopad reboots and runs the new firmware
- If everything went smoothly, you should see the CircuitPython console appear on screen
- Have fun!
- Powered by Raspberry Pico/Pico-W (RP2040)
- ARM Cortex M0+ running at up to 133Mhz
- 264kB of SRAM
- IPS LCD 240x320 screen (ST7789)
- Buttons
- Lipo battery with charging circuit (TP4056)
- Speaker
- External connector
- More info & guides
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CircuitPython 9.2.4
This is the latest stable release of CircuitPython that will work with the Pajenicko Picopad.
Use this release if you are new to CircuitPython.
Built-in modules available: _asyncio, _bleio, _eve, _pixelmap, _stage, adafruit_bus_device, adafruit_pixelbuf, aesio, alarm, analogbufio, analogio, array, atexit, audiobusio, audiocore, audiomixer, audiomp3, audiopwmio, binascii, bitbangio, bitmapfilter, bitmaptools, bitops, board, builtins, builtins.pow3, busdisplay, busio, busio.SPI, busio.UART, codeop, collections, countio, cyw43, digitalio, displayio, epaperdisplay, errno, floppyio, fontio, fourwire, framebufferio, getpass, gifio, hashlib, i2cdisplaybus, i2ctarget, imagecapture, io, ipaddress, jpegio, json, keypad, keypad.KeyMatrix, keypad.Keys, keypad.ShiftRegisterKeys, keypad_demux, keypad_demux.DemuxKeyMatrix, locale, math, mdns, memorymap, microcontroller, msgpack, neopixel_write, nvm, onewireio, os, os.getenv, paralleldisplaybus, picodvi, pulseio, pwmio, qrio, rainbowio, random, re, rgbmatrix, rotaryio, rp2pio, rtc, sdcardio, select, sharpdisplay, socketpool, ssl, storage, struct, supervisor, synthio, sys, terminalio, time, touchio, traceback, ulab, usb, usb_cdc, usb_hid, usb_host, usb_midi, usb_video, vectorio, warnings, watchdog, wifi, zlib
Included frozen(?) modules: stage, ugame
Features: Display, Speaker, Battery Charging, Bluetooth/BTLE, Wi-Fi
Absolute Newest
Every time we commit new code to CircuitPython we automatically build binaries for each board and language. The binaries are stored on Amazon S3, organized by board, and then by language. These releases are even newer than the development release listed above. Try them if you want the absolute latest and are feeling daring or want to see if a problem has been fixed.
Previous Versions of CircuitPython
All previous releases of CircuitPython are available for download from Amazon S3 through the button below. For very old releases, look in the OLD/ folder for each board. Release notes for each release are available at GitHub button below.
Older releases are useful for testing if you something appears to be broken in a newer release but used to work, or if you have older code that depends on features only available in an older release. Otherwise we recommend using the latest stable release.