Pico Plus2 by Pimoroni
A top of the line Pirate-brand RP2350 microcontroller with 16MB of flash memory, 8MB of PSRAM, USB-C, Qw/ST and debug connectors.
We adore the versatility and value of Raspberry Pi Pico but we also enjoy a souped up RP2350 board with all the extras baked in. With Pimoroni Pico boards, we’ve tried to cram in as much extra functionality as we possibly can whilst keeping to the original Pico footprint to maintain compatibility with existing Pico addons.
Pimoroni Pico Plus 2 is powered and programmable via USB-C and comes with an upgraded 8MB RAM, 16MB of flash storage and easy to read pin labels. It’s super easy to connect up to things without soldering, with a Qwiic/STEMMA QT connector (for adding I2C sensors and breakouts), a SP/CE connector (for hooking up SPI/serial devices) and a debug connector (for if you like to program using a SWD debugger). We’ve also added a reset button, and a BOOT button - this can also be used as a user switch.
- Powered by RP2350B (Dual Arm Cortex M33 running at up to 150MHz with 520KB of SRAM)
- 16MB of QSPI flash supporting XiP
- 8MB of PSRAM
- USB-C connector for power, programming, and data transfer
- Qw/ST (Qwiic/STEMMA QT) connector for attaching breakouts
- Intriguing SP/CE connector
- 3 pin debug connector (JST-SH)
- Reset and BOOT buttons (the BOOT button can also be used as a user button)
- User LED indicator
- On-board 3V3 regulator (max regulator current output 600mA)
- Input voltage range 3V - 5.5V
- Compatible with Raspberry Pi Pico add-ons
- Measurements: approx 53mm x 21mm x 9mm (L x W x H, including connectors)
About RP2350
The RP2350 chip is the Double Quarter Pounder & Fries to the RP2040’s Double Cheeseburger and can have one or more RISC-V burgers instead of either of the M33 ARMs, to stretch the metaphor.
In addition to the modern M33 ARM cores, there are sides of: more PIO capability, a variety of low power states for sipping electrons, a whole security system and some sprinklings of specialist digital video circuits to offload DVI/HDMI output.
You can expect a tasty boost in performance - our “real world” MicroPython tests are running up to 2x faster compared to RP2040, and floating point number crunching in C/C++ is up to 20x faster. The extra on-chip RAM will make a big difference when performing memory intensive operations (such as working with higher resolution displays) and even more can be added thanks to external PSRAM support.
RP2350 comes in two flavours - A (standard) and B (all the pins). The B chip has a stonking 48 usable GPIO pins, including 8 ADCs and 24 PWMs, and features on some of our new products.
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CircuitPython 9.2.6
This is the latest stable release of CircuitPython that will work with the Pico Plus2. Use this release if you are new to CircuitPython.
Modules included in this download
_asyncio _bleio _eve _pixelmap adafruit_bus_device adafruit_pixelbuf aesio analogbufio analogio array atexit audiobusio audiocore audiodelays audiofilters audiomixer audiomp3 audiopwmio binascii bitbangio bitmapfilter bitmaptools bitops board builtins builtins.pow3 busdisplay busio busio.SPI busio.UART codeop collections countio digitalio displayio epaperdisplay errno floppyio fontio fourwire framebufferio getpass gifio hashlib i2cdisplaybus i2ctarget imagecapture io jpegio json keypad keypad.KeyMatrix keypad.Keys keypad.ShiftRegisterKeys keypad_demux keypad_demux.DemuxKeyMatrix locale math memorymap microcontroller msgpack neopixel_write nvm onewireio os os.getenv paralleldisplaybus picodvi pulseio pwmio qrio rainbowio random re rgbmatrix rotaryio rp2pio rtc sdcardio select sharpdisplay storage struct supervisor synthio sys terminalio tilepalettemapper time traceback ulab usb usb_cdc usb_hid usb_host usb_midi usb_video vectorio warnings watchdog zlibFeatures: Battery Charging, USB-C, STEMMA QT/QWIIC, Breadboard-Friendly, Castellated Pads
Absolute Newest
Every time we commit new code to CircuitPython we automatically build binaries for each board and language. The binaries are stored on Amazon S3, organized by board, and then by language. These releases are even newer than the development release listed above. Try them if you want the absolute latest and are feeling daring or want to see if a problem has been fixed.
Previous Versions of CircuitPython
All previous releases of CircuitPython are available for download from Amazon S3 through the button below. For very old releases, look in the OLD/ folder for each board. Release notes for each release are available at GitHub button below.
Older releases are useful for testing if you something appears to be broken in a newer release but used to work, or if you have older code that depends on features only available in an older release. Otherwise we recommend using the latest stable release.