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Current Status for Fri, Feb 21, 2025
Sort by issue labels
Open Issues
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_AdafruitIO
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_ADS1x15
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_ADXL34x
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_AHTx0
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_AirLift
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_AM2320
- Could `TaskQueue` be implemented without `Task` being in C? (Open 462 days)
- Support Task methods `result()`, `exception()`, and `cancelled()` (Open 470 days)
- Streams (Open 521 days)
- Exception within a task can cause other tasks to run before the exceptioned-task completes (Open 796 days)
- "no module named 'usocket'" on Raspberry Pico W (Open 824 days)
- add TaskGroup here or in another library (Open 1184 days)
- Add Queue and other asyncio features from MicroPython unofficial version of asyncio (Open 1184 days)
- CancelledError not showing up as a backtrace (Open 1187 days)
- Use CircuitPython socket support (Open 1190 days)
- Remove or move non-CPython asyncio functionality (Open 1191 days)
- Incorrect check in (Open 668 days) bug good first issue Hacktoberfest
- fails (Open 952 days)
- sample fails (Open 1337 days)
- nonce function does not generate a nonce (Open 1421 days)
- random function is not generating random numbers (Open 1421 days)
- Implement atcab_write_pubkey and atcab_priv_write commands (Open 1940 days) enhancement
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_AVRprog
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_AW9523
- AWS IoT SDK Python V2 Support (Open 798 days) enhancement
- IoTCentralDevice doesn't fully implement IoTMQTTCallback (Open 568 days)
- device.on_command_executed is never called, IoT Central methods can't be used (Open 676 days)
- Subscribing to topic /messages/devicebound/ results in wait_for_msg timeout exception (Open 682 days)
- Consistent `MMQTTException: Connection Refused - Unauthorized` after 2-2.5 hours uptime (Open 951 days)
- Issues using on Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect (Open 1004 days)
- RuntimeError: Repeated socket failures on ESP32-S2 (Open 1014 days)
- Add support for IoT Central components (Open 1476 days) enhancement help wanted
- Add support for X.509 certificates (Open 1687 days) enhancement help wanted
- TTF support (Open 2107 days) enhancement
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_BitmapSaver
- why is the gamepad report map commented out? (Open 80 days)
- BLE HID OUT report handling seems not to be implemented. (Open 107 days)
- Async API (Open 175 days)
- TimeoutError when Trying to recive service from connection (Open 285 days)
- add addtional service to ProvideServicesAdvertisement (Open 301 days)
- Failed to connect: internal error (Open 462 days)
- adafruit-circuitpython-ble using bleak does not recognize custom StandardUUID (Open 535 days)
- RuntimeError: No adapter available (Open 632 days)
- Pyportal Titano BLE advertisement length error (Open 663 days)
- memory allocation error in simpletest (Open 724 days)
- Allow access to Service Changed Characteristic (Open 775 days)
- Add Telephony Device Page (0x0B) HID_DESCRIPTOR (Open 924 days) enhancement ble
- Advertisement Names (Open 1014 days)
- BLE connection hangs after 25 seconds (Open 1018 days)
- What causes the "NotImplementedError" in my Python code when I try to start advertising? (Open 1046 days)
- ValueError on BLERadio.start_scan() and (Open 1205 days)
- How to set HID properties manufacturer_string and product_string (Open 1222 days)
- UARTService.readinto with "memoryview" slice and "bytearrary" causes ValueError: length argument not allowed for this type (Open 1301 days)
- Can't use multiprocessing on the BLE connections to retrieve data from multipe devices at the same time (Open 1444 days)
- Does advertising.standard.ManufacturerDataField.field_names currently serve a purpose? (Open 1515 days)
- High CPU usage with BLEUART (Open 1551 days)
- soft device error: 0004 when paring with BLE HID peripheral (Open 1618 days) bug
- ComplexCharacteristic does not pass fixed_length instance variable to _bleio.Characteristic.add_to_service (Open 1673 days) bug
- CircuitPython Locks Up on Disconnect (Open 1702 days) bug
- A custom Advertisement with a constructor can fail to parse incoming BLE data correctly (Open 1729 days) bug
- BLE keyboard or mouse as input (Open 1743 days) enhancement
- More thorough documentation (Open 1771 days) documentation
- Wrap _bleio exceptions which might get thrown to user code (Open 1899 days) enhancement
- Add Advertisement length checking. (Open 1903 days) enhancement
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_BLE_Adafruit
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_BLE_Apple_Media
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_BLE_BerryMed_Pulse_Oximeter
- Fails to find advertisement on nRF52 (Open 1403 days)
- Bluetooth LE Sensor Nodes to Raspberry Pi WiFi Bridge - Stuck at scanning (Open 1702 days) bug
- Clarification on broadcast_time arg for broadcast() (Open 1721 days) documentation
- Possible type bugs for wire types in AdafruitSensorMeasurement (Open 1743 days) bug
- Add ChaCha support for basic security (Open 1821 days) enhancement
- Missing Type Annotations (Open 1242 days) documentation Hacktoberfest
- Please add (unencrypted) TLM data. (Open 1769 days) enhancement
- add error message for long URLs (Open 1827 days) bug
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_BLE_File_Transfer
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_BLE_Heart_Rate
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_BLE_LYWSD03MMC
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_BLE_MIDI
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_BLE_Radio
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_BluefruitConnect
- Library uses short argument names (Open 833 days)
- Missing Type Annotations (Open 1242 days) documentation Hacktoberfest
- read_packet needs to check for leftover data in self._buffer (Open 2266 days) bug
- ATI command works ok but errors when debug is used - gives Error (id:0xa180) (Open 2266 days) bug
- HID example code (Open 2299 days) enhancement
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_BME680
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_BMP3XX
- Failed to initialize BNO055 in Jetson Orin Nano (Open 385 days)
- I2C I/O Error on Teensy 4.1 (Open 530 days)
- Try to do error recovery and make library more robust on mimxrt1011 and other chip families. (Open 681 days)
- Euler angles give a random -0.065 value (Open 828 days)
- WebGL Example - Incorrect rotation on screen (Open 1122 days)
- Library too large for smaller boards (Open 1564 days)
- BNO085 and ESP32-S3 unstable I2C address (Open 74 days)
- Remap axis (Open 228 days)
- Tare Functionality (Open 294 days)
- Unprocessable Batch bytes (Open 385 days)
- Error during UART initialization (Open 468 days)
- Option to disable dynamic calibration (Open 490 days)
- Can not set data rate for each report (Open 490 days)
- Cannot run on top of micropython (Open 635 days) bug
- Try to do error recovery and make library more robust (Open 681 days)
- Has SPI mode been tested? (Open 846 days)
- Help!Raspberry PI3 conected to BNO080 are having problems. (Open 1215 days)
- Gyro and Accelerometer calibration issue (Open 1277 days)
- Not working with I2C on MCP2221 (Open 1302 days)
- Any chance of seeing the additional reports added? (Open 1321 days)
- SPI class limited to boards with internal pull ups (Open 1420 days)
- Duplicate code in library files - potential refactor needed (Open 1449 days) enhancement
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_CharLCD
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_CircuitPlayground
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_ConnectionManager
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_Crickit
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_datetime
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_Debouncer
- dht11 module issue (Open 7 days)
- Raspberry Pi 5 - Import error - All GPIO related operation (Open 429 days)
- Offbrand DHT11 Not working (Open 638 days)
- bcm283x pulseio _mq.receive stuck after SIGINT(CTRL-C) (Open 650 days)
- DHT does not work with root user using Raspberry Zero WH (Open 1284 days)
- [RaspberryPi 4B & DHT11] Checksum did not validate. /A full buffer was not returned. (Open 1352 days)
- Initialization error? (Open 1423 days)
- Overflow Error After Querying Sensor Every 2 Seconds for ~2 Hours (Open 1435 days)
- DHT11 not working properly (Open 1437 days)
- DHT22 not working on Raspberry Pi wh (Open 1449 days)
- DHT22 reports wrong negative temperatures (Open 1481 days)
- libgpiod_pulsein is armhf 32-bits, doesn't work on 64-bits OS (Open 1591 days)
- ValueError: Object has been deinitialized and can no longer be used. (Open 1770 days) bug
- DHT22 report null after a while (Open 1795 days) bug
- A full buffer was not returned. Try again. (Open 1833 days) bug
- Unable to set line 4 to input (Open 1912 days) bug
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_Display_Emoji_Text
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_Display_Shapes
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_Display_Text
- Feature Request: Line Colors for Cartesian Plot Lines (Open 579 days) enhancement
- featurerequest: widget.cartesian - multiple line-plots in same axis (Open 1162 days)
- Why is `anchor_point` reset for cell contents? (Open 1265 days)
- `Control` class: Common response function names (Open 1436 days)
- Suggestions based on current status. (Open 1485 days)
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_DisplayIO_SH1106
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_DisplayIO_SH1107
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_DisplayIO_SSD1306
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_DotStar
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_DRV2605
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_DS18X20
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_DS248x
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_DS3231
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_EMC2101
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_EPD
- Timed out waiting for SPI char (Open 197 days)
- Make sockets compatible with native `ssl` / CPython (Open 279 days)
- Remove allowing `dict` arg to `connect()` and other backward compatible (Open 294 days)
- Debugging mode socket_status() call breaks UDP packet reading (Open 343 days)
- wrong connection error messages from connect_AP method (Open 360 days)
- socket.settimeout() Argument 0 value meaning differs from cpython (Open 388 days)
- Unable to connect to WiFi with duplicate SSIDs (Open 555 days)
- SPI lock not aquired (Open 948 days)
- TimeoutError: Timed out waiting for SPI char (Teensy 4.0 + Adafruit AirLift FeatherWing - ESP32 WiFi Co-Processor) (Open 957 days)
- Arduion Nano RP2040 Connect Issues (Open 1132 days)
- Arduino RP2040 connect wifi UDP - Multicast group not working (Open 1219 days)
- Missing Type Annotations (Open 1242 days) documentation Hacktoberfest
- RGB LED doesn't turn off on arduino nano connect 2040 (Open 1286 days)
- UDP send() does not clear esp32 write buffer (Open 1402 days)
- Only allows one TLS connection at a time (Open 1408 days)
- esp.disconnect leaves the ESP32 in a bad state (Open 1414 days)
- ESP_SPIcontrol._wait_for_ready is eating lots of time polling the READY/BUSY pin (Open 1605 days)
- Add a reconnect method to the WiFi manager (Open 1724 days) enhancement
- Radio and Connection Sleep/Reopen (Open 2018 days) enhancement
- json error in get (Open 2192 days) bug
- core API compatible rewrite of the ESP32 AT interface (Open 164 days)
- Documentation Update: Release 0.10.x breaks ESP8266 chips with AT+CIPSTATE (Open 391 days)
- Implement AT+CIPSERVER for creating a TCP/SSL Server (Open 799 days)
- Example SoftAP Mode? (Open 902 days)
- Error with Pico & ESP-01 (Open 1139 days)
- MAC addr reading (Open 2225 days) enhancement
- Request: Sleep/Deep Sleep (Open 2242 days) enhancement
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_Fake_BME280
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_Fingerprint
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_FocalTouch
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_FONA
- Another example font3x5.bin to show text writing (Open 303 days)
- Test for Usable Characters (Open 745 days)
- add support for GS4_HMSB (Open 775 days) enhancement
- Missing support for RGB565 (Open 814 days)
- framebuf.text() function is very slow (Open 1052 days)
- Missing Type Annotations (Open 1242 days) documentation Hacktoberfest
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_FT5336
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_GC_IOT_Core
- Fix Quality 3d returns undocumented values (Open 136 days)
- Library not returning datetime when valid datetime is available from battery-backed RTC on Ultimate GPS Featherwing (Open 504 days)
- Added decoding to detect an external antenna (extension) and its status. (Open 783 days)
- ValueError and IndexError or soft reboot in 3.10.6 (Open 841 days) bug
- Fix Timestamp not working on GPS Featherwing (Open 964 days)
- Lag in receiving gps lat long values (Open 1057 days)
- adafruit_gps.GPS gives no indication how current the value of the datetime property is (Open 1144 days)
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_HCSR04
- Gamecontroller setup under mac (Open 274 days)
- Implement HID LampArray Support (Open 505 days)
- Support for zoom in/out (Open 724 days)
- Pico + keyboard + output to monochrome 20x4 LCD? (Open 824 days)
- Examples using the keypad module for a keyboard and macros (Open 827 days)
- USB Keyboard no longer sends keystrokes after windows machine go to sleep (Open 1020 days)
- Double key in Discord shortcuts (Open 1065 days)
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_HT16K33
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_HTTPServer
- Update to HUE API V2 (Open 1193 days) enhancement
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_HX8357
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_ICM20X
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_IL0373
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_ILI9341
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_ImageLoad
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_INA219
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_INA260
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_INA3221
- Alternative decoding solution (Open 115 days)
- Philips Tv's RC5 (Open 167 days)
- Demo code in documentation of NonblockingGenericDecode does not work (Open 291 days)
- buffering issue with final NECRepeatIRMessage in NonblockingGenericDecode read method (Open 295 days)
- GenericTransmit incorrect param types (Open 506 days)
- AttributeError: module 'pulseio' has no attribute 'PulseOut' (Open 670 days)
- Last value showing up divided by 2 (Open 1631 days) bug
- Add feature to encode and decode MakeCode's infrared pulses (Open 2088 days) enhancement
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_IS31FL3731
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_IS31FL3741
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_JSON_Stream
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_LC709203F
- Adafruit sparkle animation broken on RP2040, but RainbowSparkle and SparklePulse work? (Open 731 days)
- consider making keyword-only parameters for some animations (Open 758 days) enhancement
- add_cycle_complete_receiver not supported for included animations (Open 954 days)
- Nesting AnimateOnce inside AnimationSequence causes random animation order (Open 1144 days)
- Missing Type Annotations (Open 1242 days) documentation Hacktoberfest
- Addressing multiple 8x8 panels (Open 1370 days)
- Gradient Animation Request (Open 1714 days) enhancement
- Background color (or fade-to color) for Chase and Comet (Open 1720 days) enhancement
- Neighboring pixels feature (Open 1728 days) enhancement
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_LIDARLite
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_LIS331
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_LIS3DH
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_LIS3MDL
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_Logging
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_LPS35HW
- Misleading error message on WHO_AM_I ID check (Open 427 days) enhancement
- High pass filter not working for LSM6DSOX (Open 614 days)
- LSM6DS032 "doubled" acceleration sensitivity (code matches datasheet but not test) (Open 625 days)
- Wake on Significant Motion (Open 1101 days)
- Duplicate code in library files - potential refactor needed (Open 1449 days) enhancement
- Missing data read flag (Open 1510 days)
- SPI support? (Open 1725 days) enhancement
- Memory Allocation issue on M0, others? (Open 1756 days) bug
- Add shake? (Open 1822 days) enhancement
- Missing Type Annotations (Open 1242 days) hacktoberfest documentation
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_LSM9DS1
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_LTR329_LTR303
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_LTR390
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_MacroPad
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_MatrixKeypad
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_MatrixPortal
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_MAX1704x
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_MAX31855
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_MAX31856
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_MAX31865
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_MAX7219
- How to read rotary encoders from i2C board? (Open 335 days)
- Datasheet Change Due To Issue Discovered In MCP23017 Chip (Open 483 days)
- MCP23018/MCP23S18 Support (Open 1063 days)
- Library rename? (Open 1064 days)
- Cannot freeze into custom firmware (Open 1070 days)
- No Output (Open 1381 days) support
- interrupt-on-change feature by setting INTCON register not working (Open 1508 days)
- Unexpected Data Output from MCP2515 on Raspberry Pi 4 with Bookworm Lite (64-bit) (Open 186 days)
- Adding support for 12Mhz crystal oscillator in (Open 188 days)
- RuntimeError: No Masks Available (Open 491 days)
- Using only one mask produces a lot of print spam (Open 564 days)
- Must have another device read the bus. (Open 601 days)
- Making full use of all hardware masks and filters (Open 687 days)
- RuntimeError: Timeout setting Mode (Open 1048 days)
- Missing Type Annotations (Open 1242 days) documentation Hacktoberfest
- Transmit buffer error (Open 1340 days)
- Not compatible with Circuitpython built w/o long support (Open 1514 days)
- Possible addition? (Open 1516 days) help wanted
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_MCP3xxx
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_MCP4728
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_MCP9600
- Why is `send` always overwriting ``? (Open 377 days)
- Is correct this modification for work in a raspberry Pi? (Open 523 days)
- ProgramChange does not work (Open 1318 days)
- Add support for MIDI running status (Open 2155 days) enhancement
- MIDI UART support (Open 2172 days) enhancement
- Work out best way to handle reading large SysEx messages (Open 2186 days) enhancement
- Missing Type Annotations (Open 1242 days) documentation Hacktoberfest
- PyPortal Pynt ESP firmware update issue (Open 1392 days)
- reconnect() no longer disconnects already connected socket (Open 11 days)
- Hanging onto sockets after error. (Open 19 days)
- mqtt.loop() blocks loop temporarily (Open 23 days)
- Using adafruit_minimqtt with default networking (Open 274 days)
- Errors with MQTT CircuitPython 9 Publish (Open 319 days)
- get_monotonic_time doesn't preserve resolution (Open 336 days)
- Is `_backwards_compatible_sock` flag still needed (Open 369 days)
- MMQTTException vs partial reads on read timeout (Open 389 days)
- Loop crashes after successful connecting to HiveMQ (tls) (Open 426 days)
- client.loop if the MQTT Broker goes down the loop crashes with OSError: [Errno 104] ECONNRESET (Open 427 days)
- Recurring exception in loop() function (Open 516 days)
- behavior change, now I get timeouts on ping (Open 541 days)
- _wait_for_msg raises empty MMQTTException when using iotcentral_device to connect to IoT Central (Open 568 days)
- Callback Functions' Parameters Usage (Open 600 days)
- Wrong _sock_exact_recv implementation used when adafruit_esp32spi.adafruit_esp32spi_socket provided (Open 653 days)
- MMQTTException Error Handling (Open 664 days)
- Enhance loop() to be more resilient (Open 681 days) enhancement
- asyncio support? (Open 703 days) invalid long-term
- _wait_for_msg() on CPython with TLS connection raises ssl.SSLWantReadError on timeout (Open 736 days) bug
- MQTT loop() blocks script. Works fine with adafruit_io (Open 783 days) bug
- Sometimes receiving single zero byte (Open 827 days) bug
- Frequent errors in .loop calls with CircuitPython 8 (Open 869 days) bug
- Outdated documentation in second RTD location (Open 1082 days) documentation
- Getting trapped in publish? (Open 1394 days)
- Add test suite (Open 1478 days) enhancement
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_MLX90393
- OSError: [Errno 5] Input/output error with Metro M7 (Open 493 days)
- Unable to get pixels after some time until I reset program, using Raspberry Pi 3B+ (math domain error, More than 4 outlier pixels) (Open 794 days)
- OSError: [Errno 5] Input/output error in raspberry pi 4 (Open 821 days)
- i2c.write_then_readinto slows down frame rate after running the library for a couple seconds at 64Hz (Open 861 days)
- Adafruit example does a "black screen" in RPi4 (Open 1547 days)
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_Motor
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_MotorKit
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_MPRLS
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_MPU6050
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_MS8607
- How to enable interrupts (Open 916 days) bug enhancement
- multiple pin output simultaneously? (Open 92 days)
- Raspberry pi 5 Cannot determine SOC peripheral base address (Open 216 days)
- using D21 on a Pi4 do not work correctly (Open 414 days)
- Lights not showing what they are supposed to (Open 482 days)
- Updating buffer slow (Open 658 days)
- ROS2: memory leak (Open 670 days)
- Code breaks when using only 2 leds (Open 826 days)
- Show() Function Speed Pi Pico vs. Raspberry (takes twice the time in Pi4) (Open 870 days) question
- Neopixels stop responding after some time (Open 991 days)
- Inverted signal? (Open 1035 days)
- Breaking change somewhere in recent Raspberry Pi OS update (Open 1490 days)
- Set pixels using slice with single color / multiple colors (Open 1541 days)
- tuple rgb value reported to be slower than list (Open 1974 days) bug
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_NeoPixel_SPI
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_NeoTrellis
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_NTP
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_Nunchuk
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_OAuth2
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_OV2640
- Cannot read saturation variable unless it is set (Open 19 days)
- Pico Simple Test Not Working (Open 389 days)
- Quality setting limit check error? (Open 436 days)
- improve jpeg size estimate (Open 436 days) bug help wanted good first issue Hacktoberfest
- setting exposure_value=0 is not the same as initial settings (Open 1227 days)
- night mode doesn't seem to work (Open 1227 days)
- better jpeg maximum size estimate (Open 1232 days)
- Implement capture steps from appnote (Open 1232 days) enhancement
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_OV7670
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_PCA9685
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_PCD8544
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_PCF8575
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_PCF8591
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_PIOASM
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_PM25
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_PN532
- Update Portalbase to use with so close() isn't needed (Open 29 days)
- Occasionally calling get_strftime() results in an error with self._wifi.requests being NoneType (Open 645 days)
- PyPortal.get_local_time() calls incorrect IP/domain (Open 774 days)
- Optimizing PortalBase (Open 1099 days)
- Does this work with fake requests still? (Open 1138 days)
- Thoughts on turning adafruit_bitmap_font / adafruit_fakerequests into a soft dependency? (Open 1201 days)
- Missing Type Annotations (Open 1242 days) documentation Hacktoberfest
- MagTag Project Selector (Open 1436 days)
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_ProgressBar
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_PyBadger
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_PyCamera
- Allow resizing images to keep full image instead of cropping (Open 290 days) enhancement
- Replace .show() with .root_group = (Open 477 days)
- Handle failure from image converter service or other HttpErrors in `wget()` (Open 515 days)
- Feature request: Allow json_transforms prior to json_path or image_url_path usage. (Open 819 days) enhancement
- Set a single pixel (Open 854 days)
- Feature suggestion: allow new headers to be passed to PyPortal.fetch, just as a new URL can be (Open 923 days) enhancement
- PyPortal.set_caption() always adds a new caption with no way to remove older ones? (Open 975 days)
- text_wrap passed to wrap_text_to_lines instead of text_maxlen (Open 1136 days)
- Missing Type Annotations (Open 1242 days) documentation Hacktoberfest
- PyPortal mqtt integration with UI example (Open 1388 days)
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_Qualia
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_RA8875
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_Register
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_Register_SPI
- Connection Manager get_socket() will return exception without message (Open 82 days)
- ETIMEDOUT on Metro M4 AirLift Lite (Open 197 days)
- adafruit_requests.Session() failed! (Open 231 days)
- `request()` retries fetch twice, which can cause timeouts that are twice as long as requested (Open 300 days)
- Exceptions don't match CPython `requests` that closely (Open 300 days)
- Add simple Request class to Response (Open 306 days)
- response.text() memory consumption is too high (Open 323 days)
- HTTPBasicAuth Feature (Open 325 days)
- ISO-8859-1 encoded header values throws Unicode exception (Open 518 days)
- File uploads and chunked Transfer-Encoding (Open 549 days)
- Deceiving exception handling messages when available memory is low (below ~41k) (Open 594 days)
- [Feature Request] Asynchronous HTTP Requests using asyncio (Open 624 days)
- BrokenPipeError in network.fetch (Open 726 days)
- Issue with API request on PyPortal (Open 832 days)
- "RuntimeError: Sending request failed" for https URL (Open 929 days)
- Connection failure when using non-standard HTTP port (Open 1158 days)
- uploading multipart/form-data requests (Open 1161 days)
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_RFM
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_RFM69
- Should we add fix for SF=6? (Open 3 days)
- spreading_factor = 6 does not work on Ra-02 (SX1278) (Open 80 days)
- 100% CPU utilization on RPi4 (Open 219 days)
- Library uses short argument names (Open 834 days) enhancement
- SPI Bus interference from SDCard (Open 1018 days)
- rfm9x corrupted header (Open 1021 days)
- Long range settings (Open 1026 days)
- Non-default Spreading Factor not working (Open 1113 days)
- Library adafruit_rgb_display repo has incorrect __version__ (Open 5 days)
- HX8357: Mirroring and Color issues (Open 59 days)
- Migrate from RPI.GPIO to gpiod? (Open 112 days)
- examples/ does not work on Pi 5/Bookworm (Open 233 days)
- chip select issue with multiple screens (ST7789) (Open 339 days)
- fails (Open 354 days)
- st7789v wrong color (Open 384 days)
- LVGL support (Open 400 days)
- Code is using deprecated getsize() function (Open 421 days)
- Screen occasionally goes black on image swap (Open 483 days)
- Code fails duplicate-code check, consider refactor (Open 975 days) enhancement
- minor write() optimization (Open 1378 days)
- SSD1357 (Open 1740 days) enhancement
- Needs brightness parameter (Open 637 days) enhancement
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_RockBlock
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_RPLIDAR
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_RSA
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_RTTTL
- Calibration Reference Persistence (Open 863 days) question
- Example results in 'Unsupported baudrate' with Feather M0 & CircuitPython v7.3.3 (Open 890 days)
- Python 3.9: AttributeError: 'HTMLParser' object has no attribute 'unescape' (Open 1068 days)
- Maybe we can have a dummy start_periodic_measurement() function (Open 1150 days)
- SCD30 sensor shows 0.0 when tried to record CO2 value (Open 1239 days)
- Refinement to altitude vs ambient_pressure in documentation (Open 1390 days)
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_SCD4X
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_SD
- Fake no pullup error on reset status write (Open 94 days)
- rotary-set seems busted (Open 315 days)
- file analog pins only for output? (the text of the definitions tells us) (Open 380 days)
- file update text info please (Open 380 days)
- - incorrect reading below 0C (Open 382 days)
- Error message prints wrong number system (Open 387 days)
- FT232H Connected to Neopixel Driver gives an Invalid hardware ID (Open 387 days)
- Seesaw Capacitive Moisture Sensor's highly random data output, maxing out at 1015 rather then 2000 and maxing out super soon even in dry soil. (Open 656 days)
- Make AnalogIn.value return always 16 bit? (Open 1076 days) bug
- Variable Frequency PWM for ATtiny8x7 Seesaw Breakout (Open 1195 days)
- seesaw digitalio not setting pullups properly (Open 1231 days) bug
- Missing Type Annotations (Open 1242 days) documentation Hacktoberfest
- Sampling Rate for ADC is extremely low (Open 1292 days)
- Setting PWMOut.duty_cycle (Open 1292 days)
- fails with Invalid touch pin (Open 1616 days)
- Addressing Issue with Adafruit ServoKit Library (Open 205 days)
- ServoKit: Add an interface to set min_pulse and max_pulse (Open 247 days)
- Hello, i'm trying to use PCA96885 Raspberry Pico running Micropython. it trows an error:- THIS ----ImportError: no module named 'busio' (Open 343 days)
- python3.6 (Open 395 days)
- Using Adafruit_CircuitPython_ServoKit in a container (Open 1286 days)
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_SGP40
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_SHT31D
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_SHTC3
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_SI1145
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_SI7021
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_SSD1306
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_SSD1327
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_SSD1680
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_ST7565
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_ST7735R
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_STMPE610
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_TCA9548A
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_TCS34725
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_TinyLoRa
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_TLC59711
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_TMP117
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_Trellis
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_TSL2561
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_turtle
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_Typing
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_USB_Host_Descriptors
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_USB_Host_Mass_Storage
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_USB_Host_MIDI
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_VEML7700
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_VL53L1X
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_VL6180X
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_VS1053
- Unexpected connections from on ESP32 Ethernet Server (Open 140 days)
- supporting CPython SSL (Open 255 days)
- Slow response. (Open 362 days)
- RuntimeError: Failed to initialize WIZnet module (Open 385 days)
- Shouldn't calls that time out raise errors? (Open 413 days)
- ICMP (Open 502 days)
- Wiznet5K with Particle Ethernet Featherwing (Open 602 days)
- WIZNET5K instances store a single source port but these are assigned per socket. (Open 611 days)
- Fixed socket timeout (Open 722 days)
- Hardware timeout are ignored by the driver. (Open 737 days)
- accept() status() weird behavior, might be the decorator, or I might be seeing things. (Open 750 days)
- AssertionError: Failed to initialize WIZnet module. (Open 906 days)
- Wiznet Ethernet Hat - Will not set up DHCP (Open 1088 days)
- example upload (Open 1193 days)
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_WS2801
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_WSGI
- Revise `ruff.toml`'s `extend select` (Open 192 days)
- Create a `tests` folder, similar to the `examples` folder. (Open 192 days)
- Information for Windows users might be outdated. (Open 199 days)
- Patches Needed (Open 773 days) enhancement
- Fix copyright date range generated by Sphinx (Open 864 days)
- Make SPDX headers as generating author and year (Open 918 days)
- run mypy during CI / from pre-commit (Open 1014 days) enhancement
- Bad github link generated for CircuitPythonOrg library (Open 1325 days)
- pre-commit pylint checks are doing too much work (Open 1431 days)
- Double copyright lines (Open 1443 days)
- Add "reuse" copyright and license templates (Open 1480 days)
- Add --diff to black command (Open 1683 days) enhancement
- Double check black config against MicroPython (Open 1815 days) enhancement